Zoom Audition Tips to Nail Your Next Audition

There are several things to keep in mind when you’re going in to do a zoom audition. Today, I'm covering my top Zoom audition tips. The number one thing you should be doing right now in your Zoom auditions is this, you need to be practicing. That sounds obvious, but...

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4 Key Factors to a Perfect Self-Tape Audition

What does casting look for in the perfect self-tape audition? Remove the word “perfect” because there is no “perfect’ self-tape!What is a Self-Tape Audition?A self-tape audition is just like a regular in person audition except you are the one recording the audition on...

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Actor Time Management Tool You Need!

Actor Time Management Tool You Need!

 Lately I’ve felt really overwhelmed by all that I have to do between teaching, casting commercials, and my personal life. I must admit I’m not the best at time management. The fight or flight mode comes to mind; I get a lot done right out of the gate, checking...

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