How To Start Your Acting Career In A Small Town
Check out our latest article in Backstage! Q: I live in a place where acting schools don’t exist. Is it possible to learn acting at home? How? —@SOULYANNA1 Today’s actor can learn from anywhere! With online resources and community theater, actors can do everything...
Acting Emergency: What to do when you're pressed for time!
Emergency! What To Do When You’re Pressed For Time So you got a big guest star audition last night at 5pm, you work till 10pm and your appointment is at 10:00am the next day. Instead of spending the night freaking out, forcing yourself to memorize and...
Backstage Expert: What Does a Casting Director Mean by ‘Throw it Away’?
Read Mel's expert advice featured in backstage! "Often times, actors will come into the audition room showing their preparation for the audition instead of truly being in the scene with the reader. While being prepared is extremely...
“Working Actor Gives MMAS His Secret To Success”
As Mel always says, preparation and flexibility are keys to a successful actor experience and it doesn’t end when you book! In fact, in some ways it’s just beginning. Take, for example, a recent job of mine; After shooting a days worth of Doctor stuff for an...
Mel Featured in Backstage Magazine: How to Find the Funny in Every Scene!
How to Find the Funny in Every Scene! Some argue that you can’t be funny if you don’t have comedic timing, but I disagree. Finding the funny is technical. I believe everyone can find the funny by finding clues in comedic scripts. Will some actors be better at it...
Telling The Story: Beginning. Middle. End.
I’m stating the obvious here, but these three simple things are so often overlooked by actors when prepping for an audition. Most of the time, you’re given auditions the day before, or if you’re lucky, a few days before so that you have ample time to prepare for the...
Backstage Features Mel Mack!
Read below for Mel's article in Backstage Magazine by Molly Eichel "How Actors Sabotage Themselves in the Audition Room" Melonie Mack was about to quit acting before a casting director told her to move to L.A. She’s been there ever...
Here's why your ESSENCE is your number one friend in auditions!
What is your essence? Do you know what you're bringing into the room? We’ve had a few TV/Film Casting Directors as guests at the studio lately who’ve said the number one reason they bring you in for a role, besides your talent and your look, is your...
4 Tips for Hitting Your Mark
Hitting Your Markcan be a pretty challenging thing when acting for TV and Film as you have to walk without looking for the “marks” on the floor while emotionally being in the scene.Number One: What is a MarkA mark is where the director would like you to land for the...