5 Things Casting Directors Love…

5 Things Casting Directors Love…

....To See in the Audition Room! 1. The Sides Are Physically In Your Hand.Yep, we love to see your sides in hand because it makes us less nervous that you’re going to forget your lines, stumble through your scene and lose all your interesting choices just because...

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#1 Reason Why Casting Won’t Hire A Pushy Actor!

#1 Reason Why Casting Won’t Hire A Pushy Actor!

The definition of “pushy,” according to Webster’s Dictionary is this: excessively or unpleasantly self-assertive or ambitious. This kind of pushy is not what I’m talking about. The “pushy” I’m talking about is emotional pushing in the room. This often comes from your...

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4 Audition Tips You Must Always Remember!

4 Audition Tips You Must Always Remember!

We recently had a TV Casting Director visit Mel Mack Acting Studio and here’s what he had to say about auditioning…1. Know The Style Of The Show You’re Going In For.This is so important because if you prep your audition like you’re going in for a drama, and then once...

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Audition Ready?

Audition Ready?

Top 5 Indicators you're ready to audition... 1. You’ve been consistently training in an on-camera class, scene study class or improv class for at least 1 year. 2. You know how to bring a scene to life; genre, environment, stakes, moment before, arc of the scene and...

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Make a Strong Choice!

Make a Strong Choice!

What it means to make a strong choice from a casting director point of view...  For me an interesting choice is one that isn’t the “right” choice or what the actor thinks is the right choice. I feel like a lot of actors waste their time trying to please...

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I’m Afraid to Ask….

I’m Afraid to Ask….

So, you walk into the audition room, do your read for the casting director/director, then get some *surprise, surprise*....DIRECTION! Now what? Well, most actors want to be liked, so there is a lot of agreeing and head nodding going on in the room when direction is...

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5 Things to Focus On in Agent Meetings

5 Things to Focus On in Agent Meetings

 “Help! I’m going in for an agent meeting. Anything I should know?” Shawn McLaughlin, one of our amazing teachers here at Mel Mack Acting Studio, offers some advice to students who are going in for their first agent meeting. Here are some things to focus...

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How to Keep In Touch With Your Agent

How to Keep In Touch With Your Agent

 Nowadays, actors I speak with, whether new or seasoned, are torn about how often they should be in touch with their agents... or HOW they should be in touch with their agents.  Do you call, email, send postcards??   While it was once...

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3 Things to Do BEFORE You Get New Headshots

3 Things to Do BEFORE You Get New Headshots

  There is no need to explain the importance of having great headshots!  Although managers and agents are often very specific about the style of headshot they prefer, casting directors really only care that your headshot looks like you and captures your...

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