Get Your Ducks In A Row, ASAP!

Get Your Ducks In A Row, ASAP!

   Actors in my class have minor freak outs when suddenly they’re asked to come in for a meeting. Suddenly, you’re faced with a gazillion questions you’ve never thought to ask BEFORE this event:What do I wear?What do I talk about?  What am I right...

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Actors, Are You "Ready?"

Actors, Are You "Ready?"

  Lately I’ve had a lot of actors in class ask me, “Am I ready?” And my reply is, “I don’t know!” The best gage you have is YOU. Only you know if you’re ready to take a Casting Director workshop, if you’re ready to have a tete-de-tete with your...

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Audition Etiquette: Do NOT Disappear

Audition Etiquette: Do NOT Disappear

   I've had a lot of actors sign in for their audition recently, and then magically disappear. Normally it’s not a big deal for me; HOWEVER, these happen to be auditions where I have to bring people into the room according to how I’ve paired...

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Audition Tips: Your Lines vs. The Story

Audition Tips: Your Lines vs. The Story

I’m a big fan of READING EVERYTHING IN YOUR SIDES EVEN IF IT’S CROSSED OUT AND DOESN’T PERTAIN TO YOUR CHARACTER. Why? Because it’s your JOB as the actor to bring the story alive which means ya gotta know the story! So if you skip the sections that are crossed out,...

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Why Rehearsing Consistently Will Make You A Better Actor

Why Rehearsing Consistently Will Make You A Better Actor

  Lately, I’ve come across some “lazy acting” amongst a handful of actors in my classes, which I’d like to address as a whole.  Acting is the only profession I’ve heard of where actors, wanting to break into the business, think that success is...

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Audition Tips: Should You Slate in Character?

Audition Tips: Should You Slate in Character?

 Audition Tips: Should You Slate in Character?August 28, 2015     SLATING IN CHARACTER: YES OR NO? I say it depends on the role. Overall, you want to be you in your slate as that’s what the industry is buying. Let’s...

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