Whether you’re a seasoned pro, making a comeback, or hopping into the for the first time, your resume is your calling card. Let’s break it down, from why it’s crucial to the ins and outs of crafting an acting resume that screams “Book...
Books on acting definitely need to be a part of your actor tool kit, especially when you’re a beginning actor or an actor who’s returning to the business after a hiatus. Acting Books provide valuable insight into the world of acting; the how to’s, the do’s and don’ts....
An actor’s toolkit is the backbone of your craft. It’s an actor’s unique collection of solid audition and acting skill sets and techniques that help navigate the diverse demands of auditioning for television, film, commercials, theater and entrance into...
The world of acting is competitive, that’s why having an engaging demo reel can be the entry point to landing auditions for roles that fit your type, getting agents and managers to meet and sign you, and impressing casting directors. As a professional working...
Full body slates for self-tape auditions might seem like a beast, especially if you’re not tech-savvy. As a casting director, acting teacher, and fellow working actor, I truly understand the challenges that come with mastering a full body slate. Before we jump...
Let’s face it, everyone—there’s a ton of confusion out there on how to define yourself as an actor. The entertainment industry sees actors as a product because at the end of the day it’s a business that needs to generate money from their “brands,” which are you the...